Fowlers Hollow 4-18 thru 4-22-2022

This is the middle of April. Lets just say this snow was unexpected.
About 2 1/2 inches fell. It was really beautiful. Snow was wet and heavy.
At first I thought it wouldn't affect the stream...I was wrong.
Water levels remained unchanged but the snow started to fall in clumps as the air temp rose. That created more noise than the fish would like.
An empty campground...except for me, that is.
The snow didn't stay around long but just long enough to screw up one day of fishing.
How about this. The camp host takes his job seriously. Take one, leave one books, dog biscuits and a watering bowl.
Why did I take this pic??? Well it was a red tree and I don't see those often.
We fished three streams. Fowlers Hollow Run, Sheaffer Run and Laurel Run. Got a few...missed a few more.
Fish or no fish, this is just a pretty stream.
Had one on in this hole but didn't get it to the net. That's becoming a frequent refrain with me but I think I figured out what I've been doing wrong.
Just wonder what this part of the stream will be like come dry fly season...
Yep, I did figure them least for a while.
This hole became the spot to save the day. We got and missed several from here. P.S. It's deeper than it looks.
I believe Ed got this one.
Here he is struggling to get the fish to the net.
The hood was not for the cold (although it was chilly) it was for the rain that fell for most of the day.
Here's another I got at the same spot.